Playing the Game
This card game is used to start conversations around given topics such as finance, life habits, and to promote good mental health.

What are the 5Ps?
The 5P Card Game’s goal is to spark conversations among players. With the purpose to engage habitual words and phrases that are geared toward the tackling of life problems. To get the most out of the game, reflect on the card as you are playing and think about how the topic applies to you and others. Let’s Get Started!
They represent the 5 Pillars which stand for:
Purpose, Problems, Prognosis, Plan,
and Perform.
A pillar is typically represented as a tall vertical column created of wood or stone that supports a building roof or an important member of our society. The pillars of 5P’s are important because they represent the ideas that support our personal journey towards the fulfillment of obtaining some of the best life habits that will encourage and contribute to success.
In life few things matters more than finding your purpose. If you do find that crystal clear purpose in life, this will energize you to achieve excellence in any field of your endeavors. Equipped with your sense of purpose or goals you will be motivated from within, and you will project a positive confidence without. Your daily actions will be guided and grounded by a strong desire to reach a new height or milestone in your pursuit of financial, emotional --i.e. sense of belongings and physical success. Form a good habit daily.
No one said the road to success will be easy and straightforward. You will surely experience obstacles or problems along your way. One thing is certain, those problems if corrected early with good habits will prepare you and launch you into a world of possibilities. You will increase your confidence to approach problems head on and resolve them effectively and efficiently.
Life does not just happen. Life must be carefully mapped out, starting from the early days. You know your purpose to the latter days you propel forward to bring your idea to fruition or alive. Everyday you must develop an attitude of scheduling whatever it is you want to achieve for that day. Constantly planning and your commitment to your plans are commonplace virtue for anyone that aims to accomplish anything.
Your ability to always forecast or predict your own future will become very useful. The aim here is to have an enduring relationship with yourself and your environment. Mentally, you must be able to tell yourself a story of what you want your future life to look like. Always remain uncomfortable with your current achievements, celebrate each achievement, however, be ready to move on to the next breakthroughs.
Whenever you see your beloved athletes or Olympian perform on the big stage, you may admire their success, and celebrate their accomplishments. The truth is, for you to achieve your desired goal, whether small or large you must be committed to the execution of your ideas. Vehemently, there is no other way to attain the financial, mental, physical and emotional success you want other than you to fulfill simple service to others intelligently. Whenever necessary leverage the service of others to advance your goal or dreams forward.