Temitope Koiki

I bought 5 Pillars of Leadership aka 5Ps card game. I played with my friends at a pool party event. Although most of us were a little bit tipsy. We still interact well using words and phrases from the card game. We learned something about each other’s passion for success. At least I learn what my friends may need from me to help them in life and business. This game is really fun. Thank you OLUBOX.


OLUBOX LLC Is the Company Behind the Motivational Card Game of Life Habits 5P. We Offer a Card Game That Will Allow Players to Have Meaningful Conversation With Each Other. This Conversation Will Help to Enhance Their Social and Emotional Skills. Our Company also Offer a Workshop Style Training in Which the Facilitator Will Guide the Participants Through Hands-on Activities That Demonstrate the Purpose and Desired Outcomes Of The Product Usage. Each Participants Will Receive a Deck of Motivational Card Game of Life Habits 5P. OLUBOX, LLC employs a Holistic Approach to Building the Social Competencies Within Its Participants. Let Us Run Your Team Building Programs


Jessica R., Founder of BrightPath Consulting.


Eric Spencer